Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 4 - Kichijoji Rally - Team B

Early mornings abound. Got up at 5AM and left before 6AM. We all stumbled onto the train for Hoya then onto the bus to Kichijoji, collapsed into the seats and slept.

Arriving at Kichijoji we looked for the Japanese Staff member to tell us where to go. All of a sudden there was this big "Hello" from behind us. Our staff member had arrived, we again split into groups and headed out to tract by various schools.

This time "OB's" or Japanese HiBA alumni joined and led each group to their schools. We had to wait for one group because the leader was talking to a high-school student.

Breakfast was really late, about 10:00 to 10:30AM we rested at the HiBA center in Shibuya. Everyone hit the hay as soon as possible. Upon arriving we had devotions and then sharing. Lunch was provided by Carol Suzuki.

Before we returned to Kichijoji for the rally, we had some time to practice songs and the skit. At Kichijoji most of the team went out for final tracting. The others went to the church to prepare. The rally started and people just continued to pour in with over 30 people including OB 's. The rally was a blast!

Most of the people were regulars and so they knew how to interact and they knew the songs. This made it easier for us GT members. The message centered around God being the person who fulfills all of our needs. That God understands us and wants to be in our hearts. After the rally was over we had some good conversation with people.

Clean-up went smoothly and we went out to supper at Saizeria. But it was closed. We found another place called Locus. We ate there and started to head "home" when two "Gaijin" started talking to some of us. After a brief conversation we headed home arriving around 11:30PM...we headed to bed.