Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 15 - LBF Final - All Teams

95 students and 34 OB packed the Shibuya Hi-b.a. Center for the final rally. 37 students were new. All teams were present, and worked together to pull off the last rally of GT2009.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 14 - Yokkaichi Rally 2 - Team D

After tracting in multiple locations around Yokkaichi, the team did laundry, bought food, prepared for the rally, went out to eat lunch with a missionary family (the Beans), helped out with an elementary English class at the church, then headed out for the second rally. The location was relatively close to the station, and a large clean venue. When I was paying for the room and receiving the keys, the lady in charge informed me that she was an alumnus of hi-b.a. and that she had attended camp when she was a teenager!

Unfortunately, no one came directly from tracting, but 3 boys and 6 girls still came to the rally through church contacts. The pastors at the church had been praying for hi-b.a. to come to the area for the last ten years, and thanked us with tears in their eyes.


Day 14 - Fujisawa - Team A

There are no Fujisawa regulars to begin with, so when two new students showed up by tracts, Ryutaro-san said it was a miracle. Then we witnessed a bigger miracle when 7 more people come in by tracts, three of them who did not receive the tracts at Fujisawa that morning, but at other rally locations earlier on in the week! Two hi-ba students came to help from Machida, and some came from the church. What an encouraging rally!

Christian led the worship, David gave his testimony, Lillian interpreted, Caroline was the MC, and everyone talked to students.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 13 - Yokkaichi Rally 1 - Team D

After helping out with some toddler English classes at the church, we quickly got ready for the rally and headed out by car. 7 boys and 5 girls came to the first rally in Yokkaichi. 7 OB and staff, plus 8 GT people made the room feel small. Ryutaro-san came from Kanto to give the message. MC combo was Keita and Hikari, Jacob gave his testimony interpreted by Daniel, and the overall atmosphere was very lively. The rally ended at 7:15pm, and we were asked to stay for the church's seinenkai meeting which started right away at 7:30pm. Daniel gave his testimony, and the team sang some songs. We were involved in small group discussions with the 13 young adults that attended, then headed off to find a sento and dinner at 9:30pm.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 12 - higashi kurame - Teams A,B,C

Day 12

Wednesdays are our days of rest. Devotions were held at 9:30. At 10:45 we started to head over to Kurume Christ Church. Lunch was served, but not until all the teams arrived. Team C had already left before us, Team A had to arrive from Shibuya. Lunch was Spaghetti and Lasagna both of which were amazing. Members of KCC generously prepared the meal for us. When everyone was done with lunch an exhibition of the skits started all of them are great and each were very different from the others. From the skits we went into a session of worship with Hyuk and Kengo. Dave lead us in a time of praise for the things God has done in the past week and a half. Derrick had us pray for things that would happen in the next couple days. We went back to worship. Leaving this everyone was really mellow. Team time was next and we talk about our favorite form of water and our favorite animal. The answers were quite interesting. B team took a walk down the river before supper. When we got back for supper there was Chinese food set out as well as some leftovers. All the leaders went into a meeting so the "kids" had to wait for them to be done in order to leave. One more thing we had to do before we left, sign a thank you note for the church. When the leaders were done we took a big group photo and then started the 10 minute walk back to the hostel for an early bedtime.

- peter

Day 12 - Team D travels to Yokkaichi

Leaving Harvest Christ Church if Gifu, Team D traveled to Yokkaichi in Mie-ken. Stopping along the way for a conbini lunch at a seaside park, the team brushed up on janken skills.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 11 - Yokohama - Team B

Day 11

Our last morning in Chigasaki. We had to get up to leave at 5:45. Dave came to take us to the station. He also took our stuff with him in his car. We arrived in Yokohama ready to repeat yesterdays success. That did not happen. I handed out roughly 10 and I didnt hear many stories to the better. The japanese staff member said that Yokohama is hard to tract well. Hosanna was the only one who had major success. We went to
Yoshinoya which is the closest you could ever get to a Japanese fast food place. With actual Japanese food and not burgers. We arrived and had free time or nap time until lunch. Convenient stores seem to have become our staple for lunch. Downstairs from where we were eating is where the rallys are held. We set that up and had a meeting. Derrick shared his testimony and reminded us that God has control of our future. Instead of having devotions we prayed about our futures in pairs. Rehearsal started for our second skit. The only trouble that we had was with
rehearsal was laughing. We prayed right beforehand for the rally and specifically for Linsey's fever. People came in and continued to come in. We had about 30 kids with probably 20 first timers. Chikara also came (a classmate from CAJ). It was nice to be able to see and talk to him before he left. When the rally ended it was pouring. Our leaders chose to get to Higashi Kurume and then to figure out supper. They did give us the option of where to go in the area though.
Good night all.


Day 11 - HCC Rally 2 - Team D

Today team D was blessed to be a part of Harvest Christ Church's youth ministry. With fourteen high schoolers gathered together we were able to have a fun time worshipping and hearing an interesting message involving a tennis racket by Tsuguru-san! It was so awesome to see God using us, simple teenagers, to share his love. We were able to dance, act, and sing and in the end as we drew close to the end we were able to open up the Word of God and share the GOOD NEWS! God was definitely present and working.


Day 11 - Shibuya - Team A





2。人がうじゃうじゃ〜 座れるかな!!やけにチームのダビデ君が目立つ。彼は日本語はそこまで分からないものの日本人高校生男性群といつも話している。

3。集会の中でのGospel Team Timeの自己紹介。質問の一つとして欲しい特集能力!リリアン(黒いカーディガン)は動物と話せる能力が欲しいとか!








Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 10 - Tracting at Unuma - Team D

We tracted at three stations this morning for the rally tomorrow. Unlike Tokyo or Osaka, the numbers of students passing through the stations are few in comparison. We saw several of the students that attended the youth rally on Sunday pass by, and one even left home early to help us tract. Yoshi from Harvest Christ Chruch wanted to help us hand out tracts at the local train station, so he told his mom he was leaving the house early. But she told him that the rice was still cooking for his obento and would not be done for several more minutes. So he left the house early to come help us, and ate a rice-less bento at school that day.

Please pray for the rally tomorrow at HCC in Kakamigahara, that new students would come, and that all would have an encounter with Jesus.


Day 10 - Shibuya - Team A

Tonight before the rally even began GT members started forming groups with the incoming students to play ice breaker games (which turned out to be a favorite part of the rally for many of them ). the actual rally was **lacked of** by a pair of enthusiastic Japanese hiba-ers who played more (original) games. The games were followed by a worship time during which more students trickled in (we had a large crowd tonight , mostly regular HiBA kids , but at least two new faces !). Then Gospel Team took over and led another short praise session followed by a skit ( which was vry funny and enjoyable for the students but ended in a solid message of how Jesus is with us daily).Caroline was the M.C. and did an awesome job- it was her first time at that!after a couple more songs, Justin gave his testimony about the effects of God's amazing love in his life. next a HiBA regular gave her testimony and it turned out to have a similar tune to Justin's, so everything flowed smoothly. there was a message and more songs before the night was closed with an invitation to join HiBA camp and small groups. the small groupes went well with many people , both HiBA and GT, sharing there testimonies ! Ovr all, This rally was very exciting and encouraging and we're all looking forward to the next one !

- Chloe

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 9 - Shibukawa - Team C

After a quick breakfast at Excelsior Cafe the team headed for the train station to Higashi-Kurume (CAJ Hostel).
Upon arriving in Higashi-Kurume, we headed over to KBC (Kurume Bible Church) for a curry lunch and Sunday message.
After a brief stop at the CAJ hostel to repack, we loaded into the vans, and headed for Shibukawa.
In Shibukawa we were treated to a delicious lasgana dinner provided by the Kraai's.
After dinner the GT team put on a demo rally, with music, and skit, after which David and Seiko gave their testimonies.
Tomorrow the team will head out for tracting and prepare for the first Shibukawa rally.

Day 9 - Harvest Christ Church - Team D

We rolled in to this amazingly beautiful church late last night. The pastor, his family and some church members were awaiting our arrival. Built with materials imported from Canada, Harvest Christ Church stands out in the neighborhood.

The team had a full day starting with Sunday School at 8:30am, running the game time for K-12. Next up were intros, 2 songs and Mariko's testimony all during the morning worship service. After lunch, GT was in charge of a 2-hour program for Jr./Sr. high students, so we did more games, songs, small group, video, dance, and Keita's testimony. Miki-san came up from Kansai to help with the rally and give the message. There was a special dinner for the team, then a much-needed ofuro outing. Some good contacts were made, and some students were recruited to help with the rally on Tuesday. Needless to say, everyone is wiped.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 8 - Shibuya - Teams B, C

Hello everyone, after a busy week , we all were relieved not to have to wake up early today. Everyone met at the Shibuya Hi-BA center, and
we quickly went and picked up food at a local supermarket for brunch.
During today's Tracting time, we went split into several teams, and went to the following locations.

Yoyogi Park


Takeshita road

Basketball @ Mita Park

We handed out many fliers, while at the same time, singing and playing guitars.
Around 3:30PM everyone headed back to the Hi-BA center, where we had snacks ( and re hydrated ourselves ). Then we had a debrief time, talked about our experiences, prayed, and sang a few praise songs.

Currently we are having free time , and most are getting ready for dinner,
Our wonderful Hawaiian ladies Dayna and Janice have cooked a Hawaiian dish for us , known as Moco Loco.

After the meal both teams B and C will be leaving the center to go to there next rally points.

Have a Great night

- Ryan

Day 8 - Kansai Final - Teams A&D

Walking into the JL Building near Morinomiya, I could feel the energy in the room. Games were going on in small groups, and it was SRO (standing room only) for all adults. 27 students and 14 OB enjoyed a program MC'd by Mariko and Lillian. Caroline gave a heart-warming testimony about the grace of God in her life, and the GT band was cranking out the sound. Daniel on acoustic, Christian on electric, Justin on bass, Sarah on keys, and Hikari and Erika providing vocals. The recent grads did a special sign dance number, and Miki-san gave the message. The teams went out for Okonomiyaki afterwards, then said their good-byes as Kansai rallies wrapped up. Team A is traveling on overnight bus for Tokyo, while Team D made it safely to Harvest Christ Church in Gifu.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 7 - Sakai-Higashi Rally - D

Day 7 - Kawagoe - Team B

Day 6
That morning when we met up with Waka-san the japanese staff member. A group of us jumped into a car and headed off to our location. We started handing out our 150 tracts and soon they were all gone. Since it was only 8:00 or so we decided to go and get more from another group. By the time we got back, though, it was almost 8:30. School starts at 8:30 so once that came around we didn't have any more students. We grabbed breakfast on the way to the church from a convenience store. Devotions was right after breakfast. Which was a bad idea in my mind because I had a hard time concentrating on any passage, I was so tired. During sharing Ryan and Brandon said they also had trouble staying awake, especially during prayer. We set the church up a little before falling asleep. For lunch some people went to a convent store while me and some others went to a homemade
obento shop. Veggie Tales invaded during lunch with out bursts of favorite songs. Preparation for the rally commenced. Some people left to go tracting, a few others staying behind to greet arrivals. Once the rally started we enjoyed the games and made friends. During the entire event Yorick was praying for us in the back room. Clean up for the rally went quickly and I was happy to be able to put the sound equipment away. I didn't have to talk to the students while I was doing that. Soon we were on our way to dinner, We ate at Salisaria. then returned to the CAJ hostile for the night

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Help arrives from Hawaii

Dayna and Janice from Mililani Community Church in Hawaii arrived in Shibuya today to help out with GT. MCC has supported hiba since the mid-90's by sending personnel and resources over. Today I was blessed to receive my very own NIOSH N95 Particulate Respirator, and can't wait to see how many people will dare to take a tract from me now! All kidding aside, it's great to have them on board, with one more coming on Sunday.


Day 6 - Hachioji

6/11/09 - Team B
Once in Hachioji we met Eriya-san, the same staff member from Kichijoji. Maria, Ian, Eriya-san,an "OB," and myself went to a nearby station. Two very large schools were nearby, one with over 2000 students the other with 500. Because it was raining we were handing out our tracts right at the station exit. The rain did not stop us from being able to hand out all 200 of the tracts we brought with us. And there were still a lot of students going by when we finished. We could have handed out closer to 400 if we had had them. We went back though and waited, and waited. Then we realized that the only one missing was Brandon. Since he is new to japan he doesn't know the train system well. While he had left with a Japanese student she had to leave. In short he had no idea how to get back. Ryan, One of the other DTS members said to call Dave because that is what Brandon would do.
In the mean time most of our team members were getting extremely worried. Some ofus (myself included) knew that Brandon wouldn't go anywhere and would just wait to be picked up. Breakfast was thus late again but we eventually got to our skit and I worked on my testimony for I was going to share that night. Hi-BA rented out a small room in one of the rally. Once it started it was soon filled. Among the Japanese students from ASIJ there as well, at least for part of it.The rally went well with some people being interested in learning more about Christ. After good conversations in Saizeria during supper we headed back to CAJ for bed.It would be another early morning.


Day 6 - Kyoto - Team D

okay, Here's the info from today.
0 new person. 1 regular. 2 OG
Tonights rally went very well. Though there were new people we were able to worship with Japanese students and befriend fellow Christians. We as a team learned that this is what GT about. Of course we want to see others come to Christ but encouraging others is also a vital part of this ministry. We also saw that prayer and faith is the end we can do nothing but through HIM we can do anything.


Day 6 - Akabane - Team C

Chieko-san gave a message about finding the lost coin to the group of 19 students and 6 OB gathered at the Akabane Kaikan. 778 tracts were handed out that morning, and 7 new people came to the rally. One girl who came said that she had attended an LBF rally last year. On her way to school in Shibuya yesterday, she got a tract from Ryutaro and Kengo, and decided to come today with a friend. At school, a teacher told them to be careful of the religious people in matching t-shirts, and warned students not to go. So they came.


Day 6 - Saidaiji - Team A



司会  サラ野崎
証   David V.
賛美リーダー  クリスチャン
メッセージ ノブ君

全員 18
レギュラー 8
新人 2



Japanese hiba students have set up a blog for the duration of Let's Be Friends. If you can read Japanese, please check out:

Also, maps to rally locations can be found on the Japanese hiba website at


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 5 - Tamatsukuri Rally - Team D

Okay. here's the info from today:
1 new person. 9 regular people.
Tonight's rally went very well. We were able to encourage the Japanese Christians. I think the whole team was very blessed by the people there and we will definitely keep them in our prayers.


Day 5 - GT&Hi-b.a. Staff Fellowship Day - Teams B&C

Gathering at the Hi-b.a. Center in Shibuya at 7am, 32 people went out for morning tract distribution. Teams made up of GT, Hi-b.a. Staff, and Japanese alumni went to 14 different locations in the Shibuya metro area. After about an hour I managed to get maybe 8 tracts out, even though there were tons of kids streaming by. It was actually very refreshing to be out on the streets getting rejected and feeling the reality of the battle.

After breakfast, everyone came back to the Hi-b.a. Center for a time of getting to know the Japanese Hi-b.a. Staff. Using a mock GT rally situation, the staff introduced themselves and gave advice regarding the Let's Be Friends rallies. Dave led the worship time and gently brought us into the presence of God. Paul shared from his quiet time in 1 Chronicles about King David's attitude in going all out for Temple preparations, yet having the humility to say, "But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand." We continued in worship, with Dave challenging us to let go of those things that held us back from going all out for Him. We wept together freely, and then gathered around each staff person to pray for them and for the youth of Japan.

Carol and the crew brought in lunch and dinner that day, and Kanto teams used the time off to practice skits, songs, and testimonies while leaders met to hammer out logistics and plan ahead.

The tech crew of Ryan and Tim worked extra hard to get the blog up and running while handling their usual support team duties. Please send comments, suggestions and requests to

Thank you for your prayers.