Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 10 - Tracting at Unuma - Team D

We tracted at three stations this morning for the rally tomorrow. Unlike Tokyo or Osaka, the numbers of students passing through the stations are few in comparison. We saw several of the students that attended the youth rally on Sunday pass by, and one even left home early to help us tract. Yoshi from Harvest Christ Chruch wanted to help us hand out tracts at the local train station, so he told his mom he was leaving the house early. But she told him that the rice was still cooking for his obento and would not be done for several more minutes. So he left the house early to come help us, and ate a rice-less bento at school that day.

Please pray for the rally tomorrow at HCC in Kakamigahara, that new students would come, and that all would have an encounter with Jesus.