Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day 12 - higashi kurame - Teams A,B,C
Day 12
Wednesdays are our days of rest. Devotions were held at 9:30. At 10:45 we started to head over to Kurume Christ Church. Lunch was served, but not until all the teams arrived. Team C had already left before us, Team A had to arrive from Shibuya. Lunch was Spaghetti and Lasagna both of which were amazing. Members of KCC generously prepared the meal for us. When everyone was done with lunch an exhibition of the skits started all of them are great and each were very different from the others. From the skits we went into a session of worship with Hyuk and Kengo. Dave lead us in a time of praise for the things God has done in the past week and a half. Derrick had us pray for things that would happen in the next couple days. We went back to worship. Leaving this everyone was really mellow. Team time was next and we talk about our favorite form of water and our favorite animal. The answers were quite interesting. B team took a walk down the river before supper. When we got back for supper there was Chinese food set out as well as some leftovers. All the leaders went into a meeting so the "kids" had to wait for them to be done in order to leave. One more thing we had to do before we left, sign a thank you note for the church. When the leaders were done we took a big group photo and then started the 10 minute walk back to the hostel for an early bedtime.
- peter