Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 10 - Shibuya - Team A

Tonight before the rally even began GT members started forming groups with the incoming students to play ice breaker games (which turned out to be a favorite part of the rally for many of them ). the actual rally was **lacked of** by a pair of enthusiastic Japanese hiba-ers who played more (original) games. The games were followed by a worship time during which more students trickled in (we had a large crowd tonight , mostly regular HiBA kids , but at least two new faces !). Then Gospel Team took over and led another short praise session followed by a skit ( which was vry funny and enjoyable for the students but ended in a solid message of how Jesus is with us daily).Caroline was the M.C. and did an awesome job- it was her first time at that!after a couple more songs, Justin gave his testimony about the effects of God's amazing love in his life. next a HiBA regular gave her testimony and it turned out to have a similar tune to Justin's, so everything flowed smoothly. there was a message and more songs before the night was closed with an invitation to join HiBA camp and small groups. the small groupes went well with many people , both HiBA and GT, sharing there testimonies ! Ovr all, This rally was very exciting and encouraging and we're all looking forward to the next one !

- Chloe